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Walking the Talk

These companies have moved beyond pledges and are making good on their commitments to pursuing a purpose beyond profit.

Phin’s Food and Shelter Drive Needs Your Help to Benefit Those Affected by COVID-19

Cross-Posted from Collaboration. The social good relationship platform is donating its services in May and beyond in a bid to reach those affected by the crisis — and seeking corporate donors for the nationwide campaign.

L’Oréal Pledges €150M to Support Vulnerable Women, Protect the Environment

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and to attempt to mitigate its consequences, L’Oréal has announced L’Oréal for the Future — an industry-first social and environmental solidarity program to address two key priorities …

Community Support, Collaboration Signal Resilient Future for Co-operatives

The coronavirus pandemic has made clear the importance of each person and business acting individually to work toward a shared goal that benefits society as a whole. Co-ops are inherently set up for resilience, as they act with the best interest of the community in mind.

Unilever Marks Sustainable Living Plan’s 10th Year; New ‘Compass’ to Guide Further Progress

Cross-Posted from Leadership. In 10th and final year of the company’s Sustainable Living Plan, CEO Alan Jope reinforces commitment to sustainability leadership; calls for renewed action to tackle social inequality and the climate crisis in post-COVID world.

Giving Tuesday Now: The Jumpstart We Need to Reimagine Giving

Cross-Posted from Product, Service & Design Innovation. #GivingTuesdayNow is an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. It’s an opportunity to give back to communities in safe ways that allow for social connection; to support the critical work of the nonprofit sector; and perhaps more importantly, to redefine the role of business.

NGOs Urge Insurers to Address COVID, Climate Responses in Tandem

Cross-Posted from Business Case. A letter signed by 25 NGOs says the industry was aware of the risks of a global pandemic years ago but failed to help governments prepare effectively; the groups warn it not to make the same mistake again now that insurers recognize the climate emergency is the world’s greatest threat.

Shelter from the Storm: Overcoming Challenges to Build a Resilient, Sustainable Society

In a recent conversation about the role of his company in ensuring a sustainable future in times of increasing uncertainty, MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings’ Shiro Fujii said, “We don’t see ourselves simply as an insurance provider, but as a risk solutions expert.”

CaterCow Cares: The COVID-Sparked Pivot That Really Puts People Before Profit

Cross-Posted from Product, Service & Design Innovation. In what could end up being a swan song for the company, CaterCow has truly put altruism ahead of self-preservation during the ongoing pandemic.

12 More Brands Using Their Powers for Good During the Pandemic

As the COVID crisis wears on, we wanted to applaud 10 more of our Sustainable Brands community members that have donated their time, money and products and/or pivoted their business models to get people in need what they need, fast.

4 Ways Smaller, Sustainable Brands Are Adapting to COVID-19

These four Fairtrade-certified brands show that during times of crisis, brands can support their communities — near or far — with some creativity and hard work, regardless of size.

90+ Companies Now Certified Climate Neutral

Barely a year since its launch, almost 100 brands are now sporting the label, demonstrating full accountability for their carbon footprint.

Reimagining Corporate-Nonprofit Partnerships in Times of Crisis

In a time when needs are growing but government resources are constricted, nonprofits are being asked to do more with fewer resources. Promises made by companies to fulfill the needs of their communities and their stakeholders are more important now than ever before — which is why we need social impact solutions that can do both.

The Time Is Now for Brands to Lead with Higher Values

It’s during moments of great difficulty that our authentic selves shine through — and the same is true for companies. Long after the COVID-19 crisis passes, the world won’t forget the values-driven companies that led with a conscience. The time is now to decide: How will your brand be remembered?

How to Pursue Sustainability During COVID-19: A Tactical Guide for Brand Professionals

This global pandemic is critical and companies should dedicate every resource to helping their customers get through it, but in the spirit of protecting ourselves from one existential threat, we shouldn’t let another one go completely unnoticed.

Teach a Man to Fish: Why Some Travel Companies Support Microfinance

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. While sustainable tourism offerings are increasing along with traveler interest in giving back to the communities that they visit, most operators support local organizations through donations. But a growing wave are opting for microfinance to create larger, lasting impacts for more people.

With More CEOs at Home with Their Children, Could This Pandemic Be the Catalyst Sustainability Needs?

As CEOs spend time reconnecting with their children at home, investors open laptops at kitchen tables and policymakers have more time than ever to consider our future; is now the time when long-term, sustainable decision-making will finally trump all else?

What Being a B Corp Has Meant for Our Brand

Consumers are demanding more from the companies they buy from, and those who don’t adapt to these new standards will be rightfully left behind. B Corps need to set an example by making the triple bottom line more than a requirement for their certification.

2020 Begins the Decade of Benefit Corporations

Cross-Posted from Business Case. What are the benefits of benefit corporations and certified B Corporations? Can they really help to lead toward meaningful change for society and the environment? We explored these questions with corporate sustainability expert Tim Greiner, Pure Strategies’ co-founder and Managing Director.
