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Walking the Talk

These companies have moved beyond pledges and are making good on their commitments to pursuing a purpose beyond profit.

‘Secret Agents of Change’ to Take Over Cannes Lions to Root Out Greenwashing

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Creatives for Climate’s ‘secret agents of change’ will be prowling the festival calling on individuals, agencies and brands to tackle greenwashing at the source.

Mejuri Becomes First Jeweler to Join Regenerative Mining Initiative

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. The jeweler joins forces with RESOLVE’s Regeneration initiative as part of its long-term vision to redefine sustainable luxury in jewelry.

Tony's Chocolonely Unveils Future-Proof Legal Structure to Protect Its Company Mission

The impact-driven chocolate brand hopes that Tony's Mission Lock will provide inspiration to other companies looking to protect their mission for the long term.

Lessons in Brand-Led Culture Change: Righting Wrongs, Scaling Impact and Recovering from Pushback

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. As Brand-Led Culture Change drew to a close, a number of insightful discussions got down to brass tacks and shared lessons learned while facing a number of nearly ubiquitous brand challenges.

Uncertain Times Require Decisive Brand Action: Blazing New Trails in Brand Activism

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. On the final morning of Brand-Led Culture Change, keynote speakers tackled topics ranging from impactful partnerships and walking your ESG talk to the role of brands in creating a new ‘American Dream.’

17 Global Companies to Set World’s First Science-Based Targets for Nature This Year

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. The Science Based Targets Network’s science-based targets for nature are a significant step towards helping companies take integrated action to protect nature — beginning with freshwater and land.

It’s Time for Brands to Embrace One of the Most Exciting Climate-Mitigation Tools We Have

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. There is a clear business case to invest in protecting and restoring nature — and rewilding can play a major role.

Purpose-Driven Partnerships Helping Brands Ratchet Up Promises, Create Shared Value

Cross-Posted from Collaboration. Panels and workshops at Brand-Led Culture Change explored how brands are forging creative partnerships to increase their positive impacts on a number of fronts.

Anti-ESG Rhetoric in US Unaligned with Public’s Views on Business Imperative for Action

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Two-thirds of US adults surveyed want companies to continue environmental, social, governance action; more than half have positive view of the term.

Data-Driven Tools Are Helping Brands Address Uyghur Forced Labor in Their Supply Chains

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Too many brands have long taken a lackadaisical approach to ensuring their supply chains are free of forced labor risk. That is no longer an option if they intend to walk their ethical talk.

The Greenwash Era Is Over, But Are Our Communicators Ready to Step Up?

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. As advertising regulators, consumer watchdogs and even governments take a tougher stance, the risks of getting it wrong grow significantly; and the pressure is on communicators to up their game and back up their claims.

Oatly Challenges Big Dairy to Climate Footprint Showdown

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Oatly is offering free ad space to a big dairy brand that shares the same impact data that Oatly did to receive its climate certification.

L'Oréal, Apple Continue to Cultivate Nature-Based Climate and Biodiversity Solutions

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. The two companies have expanded the scope and scale of their respective nature-focused impact-investment funds.

For Lundberg Family Farms, ‘Every Ducking Day Is Earth Day’

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. New ad campaign pokes fun at celebrating taking care of the planet only once a year.

KIND Pledges to Exclusively Source Regeneratively Farmed Almonds by 2030

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. With the KIND Almond Acres Initiative, the snack bar brand begins work to future-proof its #1 ingredient.

Pension Funds Committed to Net Zero Are Still Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. According to Global Canopy and Make My Money Matter, the majority of pension providers in major climate coalitions do not have credible policies or commitments to tackle deforestation.

30 Companies Restoring the Planet — and Our Hope for a Better World

In 'Working to Restore,' writer Esha Chhabra highlights 30 companies around the world that embody a truly regenerative approach to business.

3 Unlocks to Future-Fit Business Leadership

Cross-Posted from Leadership. Too often, business leaders default to incremental or quick-fix solutions that fail to address the root causes of the issues they set out to solve. Correcting our course means fundamentally changing how we think and act, and asking hard questions about why businesses exist.

Localism: A New Opportunity for Brands to Build Trust, Authenticity and Customer Loyalty

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Localism is here to stay; and brands will increasingly be expected to understand what that means, so that they can make positive contributions to communities everywhere.

Employee Values: Why an Authentic Sustainability Strategy Will Win the Talent War

Cross-Posted from Organizational Change. Every organisation should be able to identify what a sustainable version of itself looks like, who is needed to run and support that, and where there are needs for new skills and roles within it.
