Purpose offers a powerful opportunity for brands — it’s about making a genuine
difference to material issues that matter to consumers, society and the world;
but in reality, it also genuinely delivers for brands. In categories with
established low levels of consumer engagement, such as utilities, purpose can be
a key differentiator harnessing consumer preference and long-term loyalty.
In September 2017, East England-based utility Anglian
Water launched its 'Smarter
Drop’ pilot in Newmarket, a project which aims
to bring about consumer behaviour change around water usage, and improve
consumer awareness and perceptions of the Anglian Water brand. The initiative
was devised and is being delivered by Given
London, a brand purpose consultancy that works
closely with some of the UK’s leading businesses (including John Lewis, Virgin
Media, P&G, Diageo, Aviva and PepsiCo, among others).
The project equipped and galvanised Newmarket residents to save water through a
mix of educational
and the trialling of Anglian Water’s new technologies and innovation. In just
nine months, the project saw households make a roughly 50 percent water-saving
(when compared to their previous water usage), transformed consumer perceptions
of water usage and delivered a NPS (Net Promoter Score) for the Anglian Water
brand of +65.63.
Here are some of the key takeaways from the project so far …
1/ On the ground, community-focused activations drive engagement
The Smarter Drop project has been implemented through community-focused
activations that involve direct and natural contact with local residents. The
project and its water-saving messaging has conveniently come to them, tailoring
its approach according to different customer groups and engaging them as they go
about their daily lives. A Smarter Drop
was opened in a prime location on Newmarket’s high street, providing a
convenient hub to showcase innovative, water-saving products, and allowing
Anglian Water staff to offer face-to-face support and advice — the physical shop
also facilitated specific engagement with vulnerable customers, notably those
with disabilities and those challenged financially.
For the project’s ‘water pledges,’ a 40 percent engagement level was achieved
thanks to a strategic tie-up with Tesco, Newmarket’s largest supermarket, when
footfall was at peak during the Easter holidays — children were given
water-saving pledge passports and a water magician was used to create
engagement. In addition, a designated Communications Engagement Manager, based
in Newmarket, has built specific relationships with the Council Executive,
schools and community groups, driving further awareness and engagement through
this ‘hyper-local’ approach.
The project’s single-minded focus on direct and specific engagement with the
local community has been integral to its impact, and is attributed to having
significantly shifted Anglian Water’s NPS. Following a February 2018 survey of
Newmarket residents, the brand achieved a NPS of +65.63, a huge uplift against a
regional average of -26.
2/ Motivating behaviour change through compelling communication ‘hooks’
In February 2018, as part of the project, Anglian Water and Given London ran
‘The Big Save’ — a water-saving challenge involving 200 Newmarket households.
The households (primarily families) were asked to save water for an entire month
and equipped with practical advice and ideas, but not technological
intervention. Participants were asked to save as much water as they could, and a
selection of compelling communication ‘hooks’ were also devised to help inspire
and sustain motivation. Comms hooks included: “Become a saver — save water and
money,” “Save water to compete with your neighbours and win £100” and “Save
water and win something for your community.” Among the residents participating,
there was also a control group who were not given a motivating hook and were
simply asked to save as much water as possible.
Households that were given a compelling reason or ‘hook’ to change their
behaviour reduced the amount of water they consumed from roughly 110 litres per
day to around 82 litres per day amongst top performers. Interestingly, water
saving did not diminish over the month for any of the groups. In fact, they got
better at saving water, once they had got into their stride and developed handy
tips and tricks around the home for themselves. Crucially, these were the
households whose approaches worked specifically for their individual family and
Images credit: Smarter Drop/Facebook
Giving consumers a compelling reason — in this case, one that involved a
money-saving element — was a key inspirer for behaviour change; and the
additional focus of a short, sharp water-saving week or month worked, and
continued to work over time.
3/ A water-saving ‘purpose’ delivering for the brand
The consumer engagement achieved around water-saving had a broader impact than
its immediate cost benefits for residents; it also delivered a halo effect for
the Anglian Water brand. Of those surveyed after The Big Save challenge, 100
percent said they would not only change their behaviour but their perception of
water as a product — and Anglian Water as a brand — had also changed. And the 70
percent who said they found saving water easier than they thought were also
happy to receive regular correspondence from Anglian Water on water saving.
Anecdotal feedback also suggested an email open rate for Smarter Drop activities
standing at around seven percent — this level is almost unheard of in email
marketing terms, with one percent being the open rate expected for unsolicited
emails from any brand.

It is clear that, by positioning themselves as vanguards of bill-reducing water
saving, and by working at a local level to educate and equip the Newmarket
community to achieve this practically, Anglian Water had not only built brand
awareness, it had also achieved loyalty and brand warmth. By leading on a
purpose issue of genuine benefit to consumers (which Anglian Water had the
authority and expertise to own), the business is revolutionising its image in a
category with established low consumer-engagement levels.
“We are thrilled with the initial results being driven through the ‘Smarter
Drop’ project. Engagement with the community has been much broader and
far-reaching than expected in the timeframe,” said Emma Staples, Head of
External Communications at Anglian Water. “Our NPS in the region has grown
exponentially, and community awareness of the Smarter Drop project also
increased by 14 percent between September 2017 and February 2018 — this is
noteworthy in marketing terms. Our plans for the project going forward include
deeper engagement, using inroads already made with the local community and
broader delivery of particularly impactful activations, including The Big Save
and the Smarter Drop Shop.”
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Managing Director & Co-Founder
Becky Willan is Managing Director of Given — a brand purpose agency that helps businesses grow by doing good.
Published Apr 3, 2019 11am EDT / 8am PDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST