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Patagonia is tagged in 179 stories. Page 7 of 9.
How Understanding Your Products' Social Footprints Helps Create Business Value
How Understanding Your Products' Social Footprints Helps Create Business Value

9 years ago - Recent significant advances in both sustainability assessment and societal awareness have resulted in businesses placing growing importance on full product value chain transparency. This relates to the need to investigate social impacts throughout products’ values chains and make them visible. Understanding and addressing social impacts has become an increasingly important value driver for frontrunner companies in the sustainability arena.

Patagonia Sharing Proprietary Biorubber to Advance Sustainable Surf Industry
Patagonia Sharing Proprietary Biorubber to Advance Sustainable Surf Industry

9 years ago - In 2012, Patagonia announced that, after four years of research with partner Yulex Corporation, it had developed a sustainable, plant-based replacement for neoprene — the petroleum-based material used to make wetsuits, which has a highly toxic manufacturing process. Now, not only is Patagonia moving toward making a suit entirely from its proprietary biorubber, it is making the material available to the rest of the surf industry.

Life-Size Living™: How to Find Meaning Within Our Means Once More
Life-Size Living™: How to Find Meaning Within Our Means Once More

10 years ago - The time when we were happily seduced into reaching far, far beyond our means with a promise of infinite everything and the glittering lure of a‘larger-than-life’ life, seems, to some of us at least, quite archaic now.But even in our socially enlightened, austerity-shredded, community-conscious, light-speed-connected present, we still struggle to get to grips with a smarter, lighter, less financially and materially burdensome style of life.We’re all still living ‘larger-than-life’ lives. We seem to struggle to find meaning in the things that exist comfortably within our means.

Regenerating Trust, Connection, Engagement Key Keynote Themes on #SB14sd Day 4
Regenerating Trust, Connection, Engagement Key Keynote Themes on #SB14sd Day 4

10 years ago - Annie Longsworth of Saatchi & Saatchi S served as MC for our last day at SB’14. Reminding cause-marketers that we do things when we want to and need to and not when we’re told to, Longsworth eloquently introduced a series of plenaries with themes of authentic stories and focused purpose.

#SB14sd Day 2: Brands, NGOs Acknowledge Challenges, Explore Catalysts for Systemic Change
#SB14sd Day 2: Brands, NGOs Acknowledge Challenges, Explore Catalysts for Systemic Change

10 years ago - After a rousing morning of plenary presentations, the spirit of authenticity, transparency and “reimagining partnership” continued into the afternoon Tuesday as dozens of brands and NGOs discussed strategies, limitations and creative solutions to a range of large-scale issues.

Unilever Named #1 in 20th Annual Sustainability Leaders Report
Unilever Named #1 in 20th Annual Sustainability Leaders Report

10 years ago - A survey released this week of expert stakeholders from business, government, NGOs and academia across 87 countries shows that Unilever, Patagonia, Interface and M&S are viewed as leaders in corporate sustainability.

Fashion and Textile Leaders for Forest Conservation Begin Shift to Forest-Free Viscose
Fashion and Textile Leaders for Forest Conservation Begin Shift to Forest-Free Viscose

10 years ago - The newest trend in social responsibility in the apparel sector emerged in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam on Monday as several of the world’s most influential clothing brands gathered to develop a roadmap to creating a more sustainable supply chain and conserve endangered forests.

Patagonia, GoLite Are 'Best for the Environment,' B Lab says
Patagonia, GoLite Are 'Best for the Environment,' B Lab says

10 years ago - Patagonia, GoLite, Seventh Generation, New Belgium Brewing Company and 80 other global companies have been named “Best for the Environment” by the nonprofit B Lab.The ‘B Corp Best for the Environment’ list honors businesses that earned an environmental impact score in the top 10 percent of all Certified B Corporations on the B Impact Assessment, a rigorous and comprehensive assessment of a company's impact on its workers, community and the environment. Honorees were recognized among micro, small and mid-sized businesses.

Patagonia Invests in Waterless, Energy-Efficient Textile Processing Company
Patagonia Invests in Waterless, Energy-Efficient Textile Processing Company

10 years ago - Patagonia has announced a strategic investment in CO2Nexus, a company that has developed a sustainable method of processing (cleaning, disinfecting and coating) textiles and garments using liquid carbon dioxide — which uses zero water, consumes less energy and generates very little waste.Patagonia made the investment through its $20 Million & Change fund, launched in 2013 to help innovative, like-minded startup companies bring about solutions to the environmental crisis through business. The investment caps a Series A round of investment for CO2Nexus, Patagonia says.

With Timbuk2’s 'Life Cycle,' Customers Can Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Reimagine Its Products
With Timbuk2’s 'Life Cycle,' Customers Can Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Reimagine Its Products

10 years ago - San Francisco-based Timbuk2, famous for its ubiquitous messenger bags, has launched the Timbuk2 Life Cycle — a robust environmental responsibility program to reduce, reuse, repair, recycle, and reimagine Timbuk2 bags — in partnership with yerdle, iFixit, and Terracycle.The company has also added a full-time tailor to implement the ‘repair’ aspect of the program.

Gazzara to Future Sustainability Leaders: Embrace Failure, Avoid 'Analysis Paralysis'
Gazzara to Future Sustainability Leaders: Embrace Failure, Avoid 'Analysis Paralysis'

10 years ago - Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability recently launched the Executive Master’s for Sustainability Leadership (EMSL), a 13-month program designed for mid-career professionals currently employed in or near sustainability roles. The program features a hybrid curriculum of virtual learning and immersive, in-person experiences at ASU and abroad.

The Newest Rule of Green Marketing And Why I've Decided to Help Consumers 'Live Lean'
The Newest Rule of Green Marketing And Why I've Decided to Help Consumers 'Live Lean'

10 years ago - In 1988, my antenna tweaked toward an emerging trend soon to be called ‘green consumerism.’ A hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica, nightly newscasts tracked the daily wanderings of the Mobro garbage barge, and air pollution clogged views of the Grand Canyon. Among the culprits: consumer products. Alternatives needed to be found for CFCs in aerosols, polystyrene clamshells and disposable diapers. To move existing alternatives off the dusty shelves of health food stores into mainstream supermarkets, marketers needed help shifting messages from ‘saving the planet’ and ‘sparing the daisies’ to the more immediate benefits of ‘saving money’ and ‘protecting health.’So I Joined the Environmental Movement

How to Redefine Capitalism-as-Usual (or 8 Steps to Becoming a Truly Sustainable Brand)
How to Redefine Capitalism-as-Usual (or 8 Steps to Becoming a Truly Sustainable Brand)

10 years ago - When Patagonia launched its Responsible Economy campaign last fall, VP of Environmental Initiatives Rick Ridgeway eloquently summed up the ‘elephant in the room’ of capitalism: Growth is not sustainable. Ridgeway accepts that evolving from our current economic system will be especially challenging for larger companies with insatiable IPOs, but I’d like to share some ways it not only can be done but is being done.1. CSRCorporate social responsibility has been a fantastic gateway for newcomers to sustainable business values, allowing a brand to better understand its impacts and act as a baseline to refer back to over time.

Disrupt or Die: Brand Leaders Talk Logistics of a Circular Economy
Disrupt or Die: Brand Leaders Talk Logistics of a Circular Economy

10 years ago - No one can deny that the emergence of circular economy thinking is throwing up some fascinating dynamics right now. This urgent need for systems-level redesign requires an experimental cocktail of innovation and imagination, not to mention open platform dialogue and collaboration. Increasingly, brands are realising that is it no longer sufficient to be wedded to sustainable ideals; they need to be prepared to disrupt their business models from within.

2014 Starts Off with a Bang: New Sustainability Commitments and Innovation Abound
2014 Starts Off with a Bang: New Sustainability Commitments and Innovation Abound

10 years ago - As 2014 gets underway, I have been privileged to participate in a wide range of forward-looking discussions taking place within the global Sustainable Brands community, and especially within our membership group. My takeaway going into the year is that there is a good deal of reimagining and redesign for a regenerative future going on in the world today, much of which may yet be unseen by those not fully focused on keeping a whole systems’ eye on things as we are at SB, and we are quite excited to be sharing with you what we’re seeing as the year unfolds.

How Brands Can Get Under Our Skin
How Brands Can Get Under Our Skin

10 years ago - There’s a house on Long Island that can keep you young. At least, that’s what the architects claim – and it’s no small matter in an aging world. If I asked you what you’d look for in your ideal home, you might reply ‘a space to unwind’ or ‘a little love and laughter.’ I’d be surprised if you came back with ‘rejuvenation’: a word used to sell face cream, not housing.But perhaps we don’t give enough thought to the way in which our minds and bodies are constantly responding to the world around us. What an opportunity for brands! We may not know we want houses that keep us young, but it would make a great selling point in an estate agent’s window.

More than 70 Mainstream Brands Now Taking Part in Collaborative Economy
More than 70 Mainstream Brands Now Taking Part in Collaborative Economy

10 years ago - I have been leading a research effort to understand the impacts of the growing Collaborative Economy trend. In case you are new to the collaborative economy, there's an unstoppable wave of people trading, renting and borrowing all kinds of services and goods. The disruptive impacts to brands are potentially very high. Consumers are already buying and trading among themselves, often without purchasing items directly from the brands themselves. Companies that don't pay attention to this trend are leaving themselves in a state of risk, as technology and society continue to quickly innovate.

Businesses Cannot Be Successful If the Society Around Them Fails
Businesses Cannot Be Successful If the Society Around Them Fails

10 years ago - Once upon a time, the ‘S’ word — sustainability — was about as relevant to business as a fork in a sugar bowl. At best, a box to be ticked; at worst, seen as a serious impediment to the pursuit of profit.But the world is changing. Look at the business news and you’ll see the global heads of big businesses uttering that ‘S’ word with increasing frequency.

The Alchemy of Sustainability: 5 Forces That Will Drive More Meaning, Growth and Impact in 2014
The Alchemy of Sustainability: 5 Forces That Will Drive More Meaning, Growth and Impact in 2014

10 years ago - At BBMG, we often use archetypes to help reveal a brand’s true character and provide a North Star for the products, services and experiences it can bring into the world.My favorite is the Alchemist, whose core desire is to search out the fundamental laws of how things work and apply these principles to make things happen. The Alchemist integrates physical, environmental and spiritual elements to spark transformation in people, organizations and our times.In 2014, we see an alchemy of economic, environmental and social values that will bring new opportunities for business and society, and we’ve identified five forces that will advance a more sustainable marketplace:

Embracing Conscious Consumerism Helping Brands Win Loyalty
Embracing Conscious Consumerism Helping Brands Win Loyalty

10 years ago - Numerous marketing campaigns have sprung out of the Black Friday movement that encourage a more conscious approach to consumption — whether through consuming less; producing less waste; supporting local, grassroots or small businesses; or contributing to those in need.