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WWF: Sustainability Standards Unlock New Market Opportunities, Accelerate SDGs
WWF: Sustainability Standards Unlock New Market Opportunities, Accelerate SDGs

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Changing consumer attitudes and the reality of climate change have shifted the conversation about the business case for sustainability. For more and more companies, embedding sustainable business practices into operations, business models and missions is no longer optional — it is now imperative in order to remain competitive.

America May Have Elected Trump, But Only 14% Support His Environmental Platform
America May Have Elected Trump, But Only 14% Support His Environmental Platform

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - Yes, Americans are divided — but apparently not on the environment. The results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election exposed some deep rifts in the American psyche and left many of us feeling more divided than ever as Donald Trump takes office.

2/3 of People Around the World Believe Their Country Is Heading in the Wrong Direction
2/3 of People Around the World Believe Their Country Is Heading in the Wrong Direction

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - Is your country on the right track? A new Ipsos MORI study entitled “What Worries the World” seeks to answer this question, asking thousands of adults under 65 in countries across the globe to identify issues that most worry them and whether they think things in their country are headed in the right direction.

Playing the Planet Card: Will Talking About the Environment Finally Promote Energy Efficiency? 
Playing the Planet Card: Will Talking About the Environment Finally Promote Energy Efficiency? 

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Once upon a time – back when we first started marketing energy efficiency and sustainability – we told our clients that if you wanted to get consumers to save energy, the last thing you should do is talk about the environment. It’s too polarizing, we said. Why take the risk of alienating a big part of your audience? But our story is changing – along with the American mindset. That’s why we’re excited to bring you this year’s Energy Pulse™ free special report based on a brand-new poll of more than 2,000 Americans.

Study: Effectively Marketing Sustainable Goods Could Represent $1T Market Opportunity
Study: Effectively Marketing Sustainable Goods Could Represent $1T Market Opportunity

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - A new global consumer study from Unilever reveals fascinating insights regarding consumer interest in and commitment to sustainable products, as well as an over $1 trillion market opportunity for brands that can effectively and transparently market the sustainability of their wares.

Water Is an Increasingly Precious Resource — But Do Consumers Understand That?
Water Is an Increasingly Precious Resource — But Do Consumers Understand That?

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Has a water crisis touched you or your community this year? You probably know that 2016 was a big headline year for water, from California’s lingering drought to Flint’s public health disaster. Here in East Tennessee, where we rarely worry about the availability of fresh water, the idea of scarcity hit home this fall in an unprecedented way: We endured our most severe drought in nearly ten years, setting the stage for a massive wildfire that ripped through the tourist town of Gatlinburg and killed at least 14 people.

The Importance of Truth, Redefining 'The Good Life' Among Ford's Top Trends for 2017
The Importance of Truth, Redefining 'The Good Life' Among Ford's Top Trends for 2017

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - The newly released Looking Forward with Ford report finds consumers at a crossroads. People are reassessing how they define 'the Good Life,' value material possessions, and use their time. They are placing greater accountability on brands to be transparent and truthful, and to act in the best interest of both individuals and society overall. The world seems to be in a perpetual state of flux, and companies will need to keep up.

For Conscious Customers, Every Day Is Election Day
For Conscious Customers, Every Day Is Election Day

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - In the aftermath of the U.S. presidential election, the Facebook pages of most people who care about sustainability read like a grief or suicide support group. Amidst the weeping and gnashing of teeth, there is a sense of everyone looking forward to the next election in two or four years. While I understand the sentiment, it is important to remember that election cycles are always at the whim of a small group of swing voters, whereas every person who cares about sustainability and social justice has a chance to vote many times every single day and that vote might ultimately have as much, or even more impact on the future (and present) as elections do.

A Conscious Consumer Walks Into a Bar: Investing in Social Impact Film Storytelling
A Conscious Consumer Walks Into a Bar: Investing in Social Impact Film Storytelling

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - There has been a millennial marketplace shift - the type of companies that this generation of consumers want to patronize - and work for - are companies that align with their personal values. How is the consumer informed of those values? Long-form storytelling is becoming increasingly powerful in its ability to communicate story in a way that can enhance brand value, relate purpose to consumers and act as a ‘social insurance policy.’

3 Key Strategies for Changing Consumer Attitudes Through Purpose-Driven Business
3 Key Strategies for Changing Consumer Attitudes Through Purpose-Driven Business

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - CSR schemes are standard fare these days. They’re essential and expected, but by no means do they guarantee a strong consumer response. The industry — and society as a whole — has evolved to the point to which the possession of a mission statement on its own is no longer sufficient.

One Simple Action: How FSC, Kimberly-Clark Are Engaging Consumers in Sustainable Forestry
One Simple Action: How FSC, Kimberly-Clark Are Engaging Consumers in Sustainable Forestry

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Moving the needle on consumer behavior remains a monumental task - but a necessary one if we are to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With household consumption accounting for nearly 70 percent of economic activity in the United States, consumers’ choices can make a real difference. At the same time, consumers are faced with so many decisions in their day-to-day lives that “decision fatigue” is commonplace. We cannot expect consumers to weigh the environmental and social implications of each of their actions and purchases.

3/4 of Millennials Would Take a Pay Cut to Work for a Socially Responsible Company
3/4 of Millennials Would Take a Pay Cut to Work for a Socially Responsible Company

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Three-quarters (76 percent) of Millennials consider a company’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work and nearly two-thirds (64 percent) won’t take a job if a potential employer doesn’t have strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices, according to the 2016 Cone Communications Millennial Employee Engagement Study. The study reveals that meaningful engagement around CSR is a business – and bottom line – imperative, impacting a company’s ability to appeal to, retain and inspire Millennial talent (that’s a business case if we ever heard one).

The Future of Work and Employee Engagement Through the Lens of Millennials
The Future of Work and Employee Engagement Through the Lens of Millennials

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - “What comes to mind when you think of millennials in the workplace?” Bethan Harris, strategist and collaborator at Collectively and the League of Intrapreneurs (LI), asked during her Tuesday afternoon session at SB’16 Copenhagen.

How to Go Beyond Brand Purpose and Unlock New Relationships with Consumers
How to Go Beyond Brand Purpose and Unlock New Relationships with Consumers

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Consumers are expecting a new dynamic in the relationship they build with brands. The team from Edelman gathered a full room at Wednesday’s lunch time session to unveil the breakthrough ‘2016 Earned Brand’ research study for the first time. The purpose-centric data surveyed 13,000 consumers in 13 countries about their interaction with their favorite brands.

How to Engage the 90% of Our Brains That Resists Changing Behaviour
How to Engage the 90% of Our Brains That Resists Changing Behaviour

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - In a rich and fascinating afternoon workshop on Monday, behavioural design experts Sille Krukow and Teis Andres of Krukow Behavioural Consulting explored their theory and tools on how conscientious companies can design the right environments in which consumers can achieve their sustainability aspirations.

Forget Inspiration: Successful Movement-Making Requires Appealing to Consumers’ Aspirations
Forget Inspiration: Successful Movement-Making Requires Appealing to Consumers’ Aspirations

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - “The sustainability movement has been slowly gaining momentum, but I think we would all agree that it isn’t moving fast enough and the world we live in can’t afford for us to continue moving at the current pace.”

Discerning Taste: Sustainability Reporting for Evolving Audiences
Discerning Taste: Sustainability Reporting for Evolving Audiences

PRESS RELEASE -   Corporate sustainability is no longer a niche subject important only in the minds of a handful of regulators and environmentalists. As our collective understanding of the value of sustainability has grown, new audiences have joined the conversation. For sustainability professionals, catering to this growing and diverse audience can be challenging.

More Than 3/4 of Americans Say Next President Should Speed Up Adoption of Renewable Energy
More Than 3/4 of Americans Say Next President Should Speed Up Adoption of Renewable Energy

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - As Americans count down to Election Day, more than three-quarters (78 percent) believe the winner of the presidential race should prioritize the faster adoption of renewable energy, according to the seventh annual Sense & Sustainability® Study released by G&S Business Communications (G&S). The G&S Sense & Sustainability Study was conducted online by Harris Poll in August 2016 among 2,007 U.S. adults.

How Framing Sustainability as Strength Can Help Win Male Audiences
How Framing Sustainability as Strength Can Help Win Male Audiences

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Are traditional gender norms of “manliness” slowing the advancement of the sustainable economy? Turns out, they might, according to new research in the Journal of Consumer Research. But while prior research attributes this gender gap in sustainable consumption to personality differences between the sexes, the new study proposes that it may also stem partially from a prevalent association between "green" behavior and femininity, and a corresponding stereotype — held by both men and women — that sustainable consumers are more feminine.

Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Money Among Unrelated Factors Causing Stress in U.S.
Too Much Stuff, Not Enough Money Among Unrelated Factors Causing Stress in U.S.

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - A new study released by mobile marketplace OfferUp has found that many Americans are increasingly drowning in things they no longer need or want, yet – strangely enough - there is a widespread struggle to meet household expenses on time every month.