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Stories About Consumer Insights

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Trending: CVS, Nestlé Embrace Sustainable Packaging Practices
Trending: CVS, Nestlé Embrace Sustainable Packaging Practices

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - The market for sustainable packaging is expected to reach $440.3 billion over the next decade and businesses that hop on the bandwagon early are expected to reap economic benefits as well as increased consumer satisfaction and a lower environmental footprint. Two industry giants are riding the wave of change with the help of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and the roll out of new sustainable packaging initiatives.

Caring for the Earth Like Our Health Depends on It: J&J on the Evolution of Earthwards®
Caring for the Earth Like Our Health Depends on It: J&J on the Evolution of Earthwards®

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Johnson & Johnson is on a mission to improve the sustainability of its products by sourcing solutions from within the company through its Earthwards® program. In June, the program became 100 products strong; J&J’s aim is for the Earthwards® portfolio to represent 20 percent of its revenue by 2020. We spoke with Paulette Frank, J&J’s Worldwide VP of Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability, to learn more about the internal and external benefits of designing in sustainability.

Millennials on Purpose: How 3 Young Professionals See 'Purpose' Changing the World
Millennials on Purpose: How 3 Young Professionals See 'Purpose' Changing the World

BUSINESS CASE - Winning the hearts and minds of the Millennial generation has been a dominating narrative for corporations over the past years. Surveys, reports and opinion pieces continue to analyze the ambitions and demands of this generation; but what would the world look like if businesses embodied Millennial values at the core of their organizations?

New Research Sheds Light on Meaning of ‘Natural’ Food
New Research Sheds Light on Meaning of ‘Natural’ Food

MARKETING AND COMMS - The vague and often overstated use of the term “natural,” which lacks a universally accepted definition, has resulted in considerable confusion among consumers. A new study conducted by the Hero Group, parent company of baby food brand Beech-Nut Nutrition, hopes to address the problem by shedding light on how consumers understand the term.

4 Ways Your Brand Can Deliver ‘The Good Life’ to Consumers in 2017
4 Ways Your Brand Can Deliver ‘The Good Life’ to Consumers in 2017

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Every business leader wants consumers to think of their company as an essential ingredient in building a better life, yet the very definition of what constitutes the ‘Good Life’ changes over time.

EY: In an Uncertain Global Economy, Communicating Purpose Is Key
EY: In an Uncertain Global Economy, Communicating Purpose Is Key

MARKETING AND COMMS - A majority of business leaders believe in the value of a strong corporate purpose and only a minority say their company’s main purpose is to maximize shareholder value says a new report by EY. Based on a survey of 1,470 global leaders representing companies across various industries in developed and emerging markets around the world, the report reveals that purpose, not profit, is the key to success amid a turbulent global economy.

Harris Poll: Consumers Split on Companies' Social Responsibility Motivations
Harris Poll: Consumers Split on Companies' Social Responsibility Motivations

WALKING THE TALK - Long gone are the days when acting in a socially responsible manner was optional. Consumers now demand it and expectations are shifting to include how companies can create social value for stakeholders across the value chain. The annual Harris Poll Reputation Quotient, which quantifies reputation ratings for the 100 most visible companies in the U.S., as perceived by the general public, provides a glimpse at how companies are stacking up in the changing corporate reputation landscape. In its latest study, U.S.

Don’t Put Vegetables in the Corner: A Q&A with Behavioral Science Researcher Linda Bacon
Don’t Put Vegetables in the Corner: A Q&A with Behavioral Science Researcher Linda Bacon

MARKETING AND COMMS - New research out of the London School of Economics should wake up many in the food industry. In a first-of-its-kind experiment, Linda Bacon – a graduate student in behavioral science and former Global Strategy Director at Mars, Incorporated – tested whether placing plant-based dishes in a separate vegetarian section on restaurant menus influenced ordering. The study’s findings have important implications for how the food industry might move more people to eat healthier and more sustainably, and may just change how we talk about plant-based foods.

The Art of Modern Sustainability Communications: How to Embrace an Audience-First Approach
The Art of Modern Sustainability Communications: How to Embrace an Audience-First Approach

MARKETING AND COMMS - Recent research clearly indicates that today’s stakeholders expect more from companies — they want to purchase from and work for companies that champion sustainability. This shift in attitude is dramatically altering the way that companies conduct (and even think about) their businesses.

Unilever Named as The Company With The Most Brands in The Kantar Worldpanel Global Top 50
Unilever Named as The Company With The Most Brands in The Kantar Worldpanel Global Top 50

PRESS RELEASE - In its fifth annual study of the world’s most chosen FMCG brands, Kantar Worldpanel has revealed that Unilever is the company with the most number of brands in its index.  

Landmark Research Shows Americans Are Redefining The “Good Life”
Landmark Research Shows Americans Are Redefining The “Good Life”

BEHAVIOR CHANGE - In spite of a chaotic political arena, a majority of Americans share the view that The Good Life is defined by connections to people and planet more than by material wealth and consumption. Furthermore, Americans are looking to brands to take the lead in showing them how they can make a more fulfilling life according to a US study of 1,000 adults 18+ conducted in April 2017. The Enabling the Good Life Report from Sustainable Brands and Harris Poll released today shows the dramatic shift in American attitudes and reflects a gap between people’s new aspirations and the ways business responds.

Aspiration & Advocacy: How Can Lululemon Help Redefine the Good Life?
Aspiration & Advocacy: How Can Lululemon Help Redefine the Good Life?

MARKETING AND COMMS - SB’17 Detroit is bringing thousands of sustainability professionals together this week to ask one question - what is the role of business in fostering and creating the Good Life? On Day 1 of the conference, BBMG and Lululemon explored this question with a group of curious, passionate sustainability professionals. Using BBMG’s methodology, we all became designers for a few short hours to develop programs and promotions that would authentically connect with the brand’s consumers and enable both to live their purpose.

Landmark Research Shows Americans Are Redefining The “Good Life”
Landmark Research Shows Americans Are Redefining The “Good Life”

PRESS RELEASE - 80% would be loyal to brands that helped them live their new values Large opportunity for business to support new aspirations of balance, health, and connections  

New Report Reveals 86% of US Consumers Expect Companies to Act on Social, Environmental Issues
New Report Reveals 86% of US Consumers Expect Companies to Act on Social, Environmental Issues

MARKETING AND COMMS - A new study by Cone Communications adds to the body of work that links consumer shopping decisions to corporate values. The 2017 Cone Communications CSR Study examines consumer attitudes, perceptions and behaviors around corporate social responsibility, as well as if and how companies should stand up for social injustices.

Report: Employees Want CEOs to Take Public Stand on Environmental Issues
Report: Employees Want CEOs to Take Public Stand on Environmental Issues

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - New research by global research consultancy Povaddo LLC has revealed that 65 percent of employees want their CEO to publicly take a stand on environmental and social issues.

IBM And US Chamber Foundation Issue New Report on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Public Sentiment, Brand Reputation
IBM And US Chamber Foundation Issue New Report on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Public Sentiment, Brand Reputation

PRESS RELEASE - The U.S. Chamber Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center and IBM have issued a new report that explores how efforts by businesses to be a positive force in communities – commonly referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR) – influences public perception of those companies. The report, titled, “The CSR Effect: Social Media Sentiment and the Impact on Brands,” examines the connection between companies that promote their corporate citizenship work and the resulting impact on public sentiment.

People are donating more, but they’re still throwing away a sh!rt ton
People are donating more, but they’re still throwing away a sh!rt ton

PRESS RELEASE - Savers’ State of Reuse Report examines the impact of reuse

New Study Cites Sustainability as Top Priority for Millennial Workforce
New Study Cites Sustainability as Top Priority for Millennial Workforce

THE NEXT ECONOMY - At this stage in the game, a company’s performance in regards to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues strongly influences its value in the eyes of investors. But such matters are increasingly becoming important considerations for the millennial workforce too.

Unchecked Consumption Is the Elephant in the Boardroom
Unchecked Consumption Is the Elephant in the Boardroom

BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Many businesses measure growth by selling more stuff to more people, and consumer markets are expected to expand in the decades ahead. The world is on pace to exceed 9.5 billion people by 2050, with far fewer living in poverty than today. Thanks to the rapid industrialization of developing countries including China, Brazil and India, 3 billion people are projected to join the global middle class in the next 15 years alone. These demographic shifts represent both a human development victory and an enormous business opportunity for those companies positioning to meet the needs of added consumers.
