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Marketing & Communications

How brands are successfully communicating their sustainability efforts — and how their stakeholders are asserting their own needs and preferences

Rolland: Success Involves Transparency About Your Sustainability Program

News Deeply, in partnership with Sustainable Brands, has produced a series of profiles looking at how brands are tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges. The goal is to examine trends and gather insights from a new wave of corporate citizenship — in an era when the private sector is increasingly expected to play a positive role in improving our lives and societies. This is the 15th article in the series.

Simple Stories Move Millions: Bangladesh’s ‘Made in Equality’ Campaign

A digital initiative bringing to life real stories about real people in the Bangladeshi garment industry is proving a game-changer in the country in its first year of launch. “Made in Equality” is a website and Facebook page illustrating garment workers’ life experiences in their own words. The simple format of an individual’s image, presented alongside their quotes, is proving moving and powerful.

Olympic Committee Taps Public to Bring Solar-Powered Lighting Solutions to Refugee Camps

Supporting its vision of building a better world through sport, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has launched a new integrated brand campaign, Become The Light, which encourages people to get active and act as beacons of positivity. The campaign uses light as the symbolic representation of the Olympic values. Through a series of public service announcements, the campaign demonstrates how the achievements of athletes and the Olympic spirit can motivate people around the world to “Become the Light.” It includes a series of inspirational films featuring athletes emanating light while competing in winter sports.

The Current State and Evolution of Corporate Sustainability Assessment Organizations

CDP, RobecoSAM, EcoVadis — they are all organizations that assess the sustainability performance of companies worldwide. They all have their own agenda and targets, and of course, their own methodology to assess a portfolio of companies.

From ESG to SDGs: An Investor’s Perspective on Sustainability Reporting

Investors are stepping up their appeals for robust corporate sustainability reporting, with increased focus on climate impact and long-term performance in a carbon-constrained world. These reports have been standard for some time, though the metrics and definitions for success have transformed within this framework over time.

From Niche to New Normal: Scorecards Enabling Holistic Shifts to Sustainable Product Portfolios

Shifting an entire product portfolio to align with an ambitious sustainability strategy is no small feat. Even those considered leaders in corporate sustainability are still refining their approach. This session on day two of SB'17 Copenhagen explored how sustainability scorecards have been developed and used to support product innovation processes for sustainability at several major brands. In introducing the session, Eric Mugnier of EY France set the scene: Companies are increasingly expected to bring sustainable solutions to market through innovating and preferentially investing in products that are good for life.

Raising Our Children to Support Sustainability in a Capitalist Society

When I was a kid, after a certain point I stopped wanting to do the things my parents forced me to do. You may have had a similar experience. The harder your parents tried to make you stay away from candy and obey curfew, the more you wanted to eat a ton of candy and break curfew.

How Smart Sustainability Communication Is Bringing SMEs Out of the Shadows

When it comes to sustainability communications, it seems like small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been operating on the dark side of the moon. From a global perspective, even though many of these companies engage as good corporate citizens in their local communities, the light usually falls on the “sustainability champions” of the world, most of them multinational corporations.

Q&A: Tim Greiner on the Transformational Role of Chemical Footprinting

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. Sustainable chemical management is a critical component of a healthy and circular future. In its second annual report, the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) revealed encouraging advances across industries towards the use of safer materials and greater transparency.

Brand Purpose in Divided Times: 4 Strategies for Brand Leadership

Us vs Them. Me vs You. Old vs Young. Rich vs Poor. We are feeling more divided than ever. Yet the path to brand relevance and resilience is recognizing what we have in common. Recently we asked 16,000 people globally — across 16 countries, in many languages, in rural and urban areas — about their aspirations for their lives, families and communities.* While the dominant narrative in culture today is that we’re deeply divided — culturally, politically, economically — reading the answers from people across the globe we were reminded that we all share the same aspirations for health, wellbeing, financial security, meaningful relationships and a sense of purpose. So, what’s the problem?

How Companies Are Crossing the Chasm to Mainstream Sustainability

Consumers increasingly want to buy from brands that are environmentally responsible - and many forward-thinking companies have responded by embracing sustainability. However, there remains a disconnect between sustainability pursuits and the extent to which companies share their journey with consumers.

CVS Harnesses the Power of Design to Improve Health Outcomes, Consumer Experience

CVS Pharmacy is harnessing the power of design to further its mission of helping people on their path to better health. The retail division of CVS Health is introducing a new prescription management system for patients managing multiple medications in an effort to enhance patient safety.

D&AD Impact Award Winners Showcase Solutions for a Safer, Fairer, More Sustainable Future

D&AD and Advertising Week have unveiled the winners of the second annual D&AD Impact Awards, which recognizes creative ideas that have made an impact and ultimately have contributed to creating a safer, more equitable and sustainable world for all. The Awards’ coveted ‘Pencils’ are given out across 12 categories aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

More Than 60% of FTSE 100 Companies Not Reporting Climate Risks

Despite growing investor demand for information surrounding businesses’ social and environmental performance, a new report from Carbon Clear has revealed that 61 FTSE 100 companies are not assessing or not disclosing climate risk in their annual reports.

Study: More ‘Human’ Companies Outperform Business-As-Usual Competitors

More evidence has emerged linking business performance with a company's purpose beyond profit.

2017 D&AD Impact Winners Showcase the Power of Creatives to Drive Big Change

From Visa’s recent Hurricane Harvey spot to Boost Mobile’s “Boost Your Voice” and Whirlpool’s “Care Counts” campaigns, advertising is undergoing a paradigm shift, with brands across industries increasingly moving towards purpose-driven messages that address some of the biggest environmental and social challenges the world faces today.

US Public Expectations Rising for Corporate, Government ESG Stewardship

G&S Business Communications has released its eighth annual Sense & Sustainability Study, gauging US consumers’ perceptions of the corporate commitment to environmental and social responsibility. The findings of this year’s study demonstrate a considerable increase in the number of Americans placing greater responsibility on government, businesses and themselves to serve as environmental and social stewards.

AT&T’s Experiment with Sustainable Marketing Messages

As the increasing number of sustainability initiatives from some of today’s leading brands is demonstrating, the market for sustainable products and services is growing rapidly. The impact of a product or service on communities, on societies and on the environment is being given increasing consideration by today’s and tomorrow’s consumers. If that consideration can be converted into increased sales for sustainable products and services, it’s good news both for companies and for the planet. But what’s the best way to market sustainability benefits?

WRAP: Consumers Curious About What Happens to Recycling Beyond the Bin

New insights from WRAP’s annual recycling tracker have revealed that over half the UK population wants to know more about what happens to their recycling beyond the bin. The results of the organization’s survey have shaped the theme of this year’s Recycle Week; ‘Recycling — it’s worth it.’

Ganaz: Putting Tech in Workers’ Hands to Improve Recruitment Practices

Brands have identified labor recruitment as one of the riskiest parts of their supply chains, and rightly so. Human trafficking, forced labor and wage theft often have their origin in recruiting practices.