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Stories About Meaningful Connections

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Stealing Plays: Why Sustainability Communicators Should Be More Like Bill Belichick
Stealing Plays: Why Sustainability Communicators Should Be More Like Bill Belichick

PRESS RELEASE - Sustainability can be incredibly engaging. The pressing issues of our day demand that humans find new ways of existing – and quickly. Happily, society’s attitudes about sustainability are heading in a positive direction. In recent years, consumers have begun to demonstrate a preference for sustainable products and services, while many businesses have embraced sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as part of the way they operate. As sustainability practitioners and communicators, the world is primed to listen to our message.  

This Black Friday, REI Is Inviting All Businesses to #OptOutside
This Black Friday, REI Is Inviting All Businesses to #OptOutside

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Our theme this year at Sustainable Brands has been “Activating Purpose” – exploring and applauding the ways brands are authentically walking their talk when it comes to pursuing purpose beyond profit – and we are thrilled that the list continues to grow.

How People, Brands and Countries Around the World Are Living Their Purpose
How People, Brands and Countries Around the World Are Living Their Purpose

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - Last week, I had the great pleasure and honour to take part in the second annual edition of Sustainable Brands Bangkok, which was founded by Dr. Sirikul ‘Nui’ Laukaikul, who many of you will have had the good fortune to hear as a speaker at previous Sustainable Brands events.

Change Agents: What Keeps You Up at Night?
Change Agents: What Keeps You Up at Night?

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - “What keeps you up at night?” Solitaire Townsend, co-founder of Futerra, asked this question to 50 sustainability leaders from around the globe on the third and final day of SB ’16 Copenhagen. The core issues most people responded with were inequality, climate change, recession, refugees, biodiversity loss. “It’s the ‘parade of horribles’ that makes sleep tough at times,” said one survey responder. The theme that came out of the expressed fears was division on multiple fronts: Division of opinions, incomes, outlooks.

SDGs Key to the Sustainable Development of Your Business, Not Just the World
SDGs Key to the Sustainable Development of Your Business, Not Just the World

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - "What's your favorite sustainable development goal?" joked John Elkington, the writer, thinker and serial entrepreneur who coined the triple bottom line concept in 1997, who moderated a Tuesday panel on aligning the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with strategy, goal-setting and innovation at SB’16 Copenhagen.

Unilever Launches ‘Bright Future’ Global Sustainability Campaign
Unilever Launches ‘Bright Future’ Global Sustainability Campaign

PRESS RELEASE - Unilever's TV, online and in-store campaign, called ‘Bright Future’, will run in the UK, Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia, and puts the spotlight on sustainability initiatives by its brands, rather than just the corporate entity. A film entitled ‘So Long Old World’ will highlight several brand activities, including how Domestos is helping five million people to access toilets, and how Persil/Omo is helping 10 million children to gain an education.

How LinkedIn Is Working to Connect Hard-to-Reach Job Seekers With New Opportunities
How LinkedIn Is Working to Connect Hard-to-Reach Job Seekers With New Opportunities

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - News Deeply, in partnership with Sustainable Brands, has produced a series of profiles looking at how brands are tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges. The goal is to examine trends and gather insights from a new wave of corporate citizenship – in an era when the private sector is increasingly expected to play a positive role in improving our lives and societies. This is the 5th article in the series.

How Engaging Its Employees, Value Chain Is Carrying Sustainability Forward at Alaska Airlines
How Engaging Its Employees, Value Chain Is Carrying Sustainability Forward at Alaska Airlines

COLLABORATION & CO-CREATION - News Deeply, in partnership with Sustainable Brands, is producing a series of profiles looking at how brands are tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges. The goal is to examine trends and gather insights from a new wave of corporate citizenship – in an era when the private sector is increasingly expected to play a positive role in improving our lives and societies. This is the 2nd article in the series.

20 Questions with Claus Stig Pedersen: Sustainability – and Now SDG – Pioneer
20 Questions with Claus Stig Pedersen: Sustainability – and Now SDG – Pioneer

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Last month, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon named Claus Stig Pedersen, Head of Corporate Sustainability at Novozymes, one of ten 2016 Local Pioneers of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

If Humanity Were a Corporation ...
If Humanity Were a Corporation ...

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - ... what would it take to make Sustainability its Brand and the Sufficiency Economy its Value? While at this moment, every social unit recognises that we all need to take action NOW, the most challenging question is always: HOW? What should be — would be — the best solution to enable us to achieve sustainability? So let’s think big and try a little thought experiment: What if humanity were a corporation — what would it take to make sustainability its brand? How can we create value that will set the framework to build a sustainable brand?

5 Most Promising Signs of Detroit's Rebirth
5 Most Promising Signs of Detroit's Rebirth

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Last week, Sustainable Brands staff and corporate members took a trip to Detroit to celebrate the relocation of our flagship conference in 2017. Why are we moving from San Diego to Detroit? The answer is simple: We are inspired by the city’s revitalization; it is a place of burgeoning innovation where business can thrive and create a sustainable and flourishing future — what better place to convene our community? We spent three days in the city, witnessing many promising signs of its rebirth while also witnessing the challenges and opportunities for growth that remain.

‘ASPIREist’ TV Series Showcases Real Solutions, Purpose-Driven Celebrity, Brand Projects
‘ASPIREist’ TV Series Showcases Real Solutions, Purpose-Driven Celebrity, Brand Projects

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - A new “reality feature news show,” ASPIREist, wants to inspire viewers to take action by showcasing people, projects and ideas that are making a difference. Co-hosted by six twenty and thirty-something TED Talk speakers from a variety of fields – environmentalists, activists, social entrepreneurs – the show calls itself “the new newsroom,” one for “today’s generation.”

The Power of ‘And’: 10 Guidelines for Powerful Purpose Strategy and Programming
The Power of ‘And’: 10 Guidelines for Powerful Purpose Strategy and Programming

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - A few months back, I led a panel at the annual Points of Light conference in Houston, TX, where we discussed some very important topics along with one very small word: “and.” As in, how to bring credibility and sustainability to a company’s purpose, or how to connect strategies, concepts and people.

Standards and Businesses Coming Together in Washington to Discuss Sustainability Challenges
Standards and Businesses Coming Together in Washington to Discuss Sustainability Challenges

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Over 200 of the most influential figures in sustainability standards and certification will join business leaders to share their thoughts on today’s most pressing sustainability challenges on May 10 to 11 in Washington, DC.

How a Partnership with Parley for the Oceans Is Driving Engagement at adidas
How a Partnership with Parley for the Oceans Is Driving Engagement at adidas

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Leading up to her trip to the Parley Ocean School, adidas Group designer Jasmin Bynoe was unsure of what to expect. She was about to take to the seas for a 5-day adventure in the Maldives alongside 17 of her colleagues from adidas; they would be learning about plastic pollution and what they could do to help from Parley for the Oceans educators, and it was sure to be a unique experience.

How HR, Sustainability Heads Can Partner to Embed Purpose Throughout an Organization
How HR, Sustainability Heads Can Partner to Embed Purpose Throughout an Organization

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - There was a lot of discussion last week at SB’15 London around the so-called ‘aspirational generation’ - a rising generation of millennials with higher sustainability expectations of brands whose products they buy, as well as for those they work for. How to attract and retain a motivated workforce (younger and older, alike) with more stringent demands for positive purpose and impact was the core theme of Tuesday afternoon’s breakout session.

SASB's FSA Credential: Who Will Benefit from It and Why
SASB's FSA Credential: Who Will Benefit from It and Why

NEW METRICS - The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) recently launched the Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) Credential, the first of two exams that explore concepts on the materiality of sustainability information. The FSA is designed for a wide range of professionals who benefit from understanding the link between material sustainability information and a company’s financial performance, including financial and sustainability reporting teams, investors, consultants and securities lawyers.

A Deep Dive Into the Multiple ROI of Well-Run Corporate CSR Programs
A Deep Dive Into the Multiple ROI of Well-Run Corporate CSR Programs

NEW METRICS - As representatives from Walt Disney, Lockheed Martin and Campbell’s Soup attested on Wednesday morning at New Metrics ’15, well-run corporate sustainability programs bring multiple benefits, including increased sales, growing market value, higher employee productivity, and reduced risk exposure, among others.

How to Calculate SROI for Traditionally Overlooked Social Impacts
How to Calculate SROI for Traditionally Overlooked Social Impacts

NEW METRICS - While quantifying and valuing the true costs and benefits of environmental impacts has matured, doing the same for social impacts remains elusive.

Money Talks – the Dark Secret of the Sustainability Event Circuit
Money Talks – the Dark Secret of the Sustainability Event Circuit

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - “...almost all fortunes are made out of the capital and labour of other men than those who realise them.” - Lysander SpoonerDo you have to pay to play?If you are a sustainability practitioner and attend events on the topic – do you know the approach those events take to recruiting speakers, and do speakers have to pay to play? Do you know which experts are onstage because of their marketing budgets and which are there on merit?