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Stories About Storytelling

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The Answer Is: The Human Condition
The Answer Is: The Human Condition

BEHAVIOR CHANGE - “We need to do something about the environmental damage in our heads.”(Time, 24 May 1993).

Fair Trade USA, Kiva Launch Microlending Program for Fair Trade Farmers
Fair Trade USA, Kiva Launch Microlending Program for Fair Trade Farmers

SUPPLY CHAIN - Fair Trade USA has partnered with nonprofit Kiva to help small-scale coffee farmers access financing, improve crop quality and invest in the future of their families and communities.The partnership resulted from a successful collaboration last year between Fair Trade USA, Kiva and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters to pilot Kiva’s first agricultural lending program with a Fair Trade coffee cooperative in Mexico. Kiva says its lenders around the world fully funded nearly all of the loans, which benefited hundreds of small farmers working to prepare their fields for harvest.

Don't Just Sell Green, Sell Great
Don't Just Sell Green, Sell Great

BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Heading into this year’s Sustainable Brands conference, I was looking forward to driving BMW’s electric prototype that was on display. In hindsight, however, the technical highlight of the show for me was the Tesla Model S. You know, the ones that people were actually driving, with coffee cups in the console and crumbs in the backseat.

Capitals & Commons: A Dialogue with David Bollier, Part One
Capitals & Commons: A Dialogue with David Bollier, Part One

NEW METRICS - David Bollier is among the foremost global thinkers and advocates for the commons. #NewMetrics channel co-curator Bill Baue recently had the following discussion with Bollier about the potential intersections between the commons movement and emerging concepts and practices in the corporate sustainability movement.

Failure to Communicate: Dry Sustainability Reports a Missed Opportunity
Failure to Communicate: Dry Sustainability Reports a Missed Opportunity

MARKETING AND COMMS - Does your heart sink at the thought of reading yet another sustainability report?Over the last three years I’ve been documenting the ways companies are communicating sustainability online and using social media in particular. Time and time again, even those companies that demonstrate real panache in their sustainability communications fail to make the best use of the research, data and information that goes into their sustainability report. Often, as a result, a company’s most interesting sustainability work is left buried in these dull but worthy publications that no one really reads.

Social Value, Meaningful Brands, Human Capital Valuation Set New Metrics Day One Abuzz
Social Value, Meaningful Brands, Human Capital Valuation Set New Metrics Day One Abuzz

NEW METRICS - As the definition of value continues to evolve, the demand for business to demonstrate its ability to create value of various forms for all stakeholders — and not just profit for shareholders — is increasing, and the question of how this value is identified, measured and communicated becomes paramount. The New Metrics of Sustainable Business Conference has convened some of sustainability’s top minds to examine leading-edge work that is expanding the way business creates, quantifies and manages the value it delivers through the metrics it adopts.

Setting the Table for Sustainable Supply Chain Issues
Setting the Table for Sustainable Supply Chain Issues

SUPPLY CHAIN - In this Issue in Focus, we are examining the latest tools and initiatives in sustainable supply chain management. Here, guest editor Dave Meyer offers his perspective on the state and direction of the field.

A Truer Measure of Economic Well-Being? Replacing GDP with GPI, Part Two
A Truer Measure of Economic Well-Being? Replacing GDP with GPI, Part Two

NEW METRICS - The chorus decrying the shortcomings of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic well-being has been rising, crescendoing recently with the release of the report by Nobel Laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen commissioned by then French President Nicholas Sarkozy. Here in the US, states such as Maryland and Vermont are beginning to adopt an alternative to GDP: the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI).

A Truer Measure of Economic Well-Being? Replacing GDP with GPI, Part One
A Truer Measure of Economic Well-Being? Replacing GDP with GPI, Part One

NEW METRICS - The chorus decrying the shortcomings of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic well-being has been rising, crescendoing recently with the release of the report by Nobel Laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen commissioned by then French President Nicholas Sarkozy. Here in the US, states such as Maryland and Vermont are beginning to adopt an alternative to GDP: the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI).

Apathetic Consumer Discovers 'Hidden Consequences' of Irresponsible Products in Rainforest Alliance's Latest Video
Apathetic Consumer Discovers 'Hidden Consequences' of Irresponsible Products in Rainforest Alliance's Latest Video

MARKETING AND COMMS - As the Rainforest Alliance’s third annual Follow the Frog Week comes to a close, we take a look at this year’s campaign video, "Hidden Consequences."

Rubies in the Rubble: Fighting a Culture of Waste One Chutney at a Time
Rubies in the Rubble: Fighting a Culture of Waste One Chutney at a Time

WASTE NOT - In 2010, Jenny Dawson was a couple of years out of university working at a hedge fund company in London. One day, she found herself at a wholesale market where she saw pallets of edible fruit and vegetables going to the waste bin. The food had been grown in neighboring countries in Europe and as far away as Kenya.To Dawson it was sheer madness and an environmental and social travesty that so much good food requiring great resources to grow and transport to London would ultimately end up in the garbage. “Seeing pallets of perfectly good fruit coming in from Kenya destined for the garbage evoked a reaction in me. There must be something we could do. We can’t be this wasteful,” says Dawson.

Chipotle Launches Assault on Big Food with Short Film, and There's More to Come
Chipotle Launches Assault on Big Food with Short Film, and There's More to Come

MARKETING AND COMMS - Chipotle keeps sticking its neck out for "sustainable," locally produced food — now with an animated short-film attack on "Big Food" and with the promise of more expansive and aggressive efforts to come."The Scarecrow" is a 3-1/2-minute film that Chipotle Mexican Grill released online last week that depicts what the brand calls "a dystopian fantasy world" in which "all food production is controlled by fictional industrial giant Crow Foods. Scarecrows have been displaced from their traditional role of protecting food, and are now servants to the crows and their evil plans to dominate the food system."

Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part One
Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part One

MARKETING AND COMMS - In this series, Benoit Beaufils, founding partner of brand consultancy Innate Motion, along with several of his partners, presents the tools that the company uses to develop purposeful, mission-driven brands with their clients. Benoit views their tools as a free “thoughtware” suite, and proposes that readers borrow and reapply.Tool #1. People immersions.Jack* rushes into the meeting room, and goes straight for a seat. “How was it?” the others ask. “Unbelievable. Unbelievable.” He pauses, and tells the story:

How Do We 'Hardwire' Sustainability Into Business?
How Do We 'Hardwire' Sustainability Into Business?

NEW METRICS - While there are myriad perspectives on sustainability and corporate responsibility, each with its own unique value, I often find myself focusing on sustainability’s operational aspects: What can we do to increase the pace at which belief in sustainability translates into concrete actions that benefit the environment, society and business? To me*, a key question is how we get more done, how we “hardwire” sustainability into the way businesses operate.

Don't Get Greenwashed: How to Make Sure Your Eco-Friendly Products Are the Real Deal
Don't Get Greenwashed: How to Make Sure Your Eco-Friendly Products Are the Real Deal

MARKETING AND COMMS - From electric cars to reusable shopping bags, it's undeniable that "going green" is one of the fastest growing trends out there today. This is great news for the eco-friendly consumer, as companies are scrambling to offer greener versions of their products to meet demand. Unfortunately, many companies have also noticed that it's much cheaper to claim to have environmental standards than it is to actually live by them. When a company misleads its customers about the environmental impact of its products or practices, it's called greenwashing.

Why Green Product Brands Fail
Why Green Product Brands Fail

MARKETING AND COMMS - The Guardian recently published an excellent article on "Why Green Brands Are Failing to Capture Public Attention:"The answer is that environmental/social consciousness is only one part of what are much broader and more complex cultural shifts. Picking out this trend in isolation and trying to build brands around it using traditional marketing paradigms has a very low likelihood of success.

Advancing Sustainability: From Revolution to Evolution
Advancing Sustainability: From Revolution to Evolution

BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Sustainability, like brands, must not be a fight against or a vision outside society, but part of it. It is time to drop the proselytism, quit the “sacrifice for a better world” argument and above all stop trying to change people’s behaviours. In order to fully go mainstream, sustainability shouldn’t attempt to influence behaviour and, instead, make ‘the greener option’ desirable for everyone. Moreover, historically, experiments of standardization have often resulted from totalitarian regimes to dull aesthetics.

New Era: Can Profit-Seeking Approaches Protect Natural Capital?
New Era: Can Profit-Seeking Approaches Protect Natural Capital?

COLLABORATION - Mark Tercek of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has written a new book with Jonathan Adams, Nature's Fortune: How Business & Society Thrive by Investing in Nature. A video interview of him at an Aspen Institute forum last month at Hunter College, “The Case for a Profit Motive in Conserving the Environment,” with New York Times science writer Andrew Revkin showed that his theme and approach have a lot going for them.

The Ultimate Interview Question: Social Responsibility in the Hiring Process
The Ultimate Interview Question: Social Responsibility in the Hiring Process

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - The hiring process can be a grueling one — weeding through all those prospects can be a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. It can be frustrating, and it also presents a lot of opportunity for self-doubt.

Sustainability Ideas Must Be 'Made to Stick'
Sustainability Ideas Must Be 'Made to Stick'

MARKETING AND COMMS - Calls to shake up the sustainability community seem to be becoming increasingly frequent — the latest that I’ve read coming from the State of the World 2013 Report. With a warning that sustainability is in need of a “dramatic reboot,” it suggests a failure to deliver on the wealth of opportunities being promised.
