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Marketing & Communications

How brands are successfully communicating their sustainability efforts — and how their stakeholders are asserting their own needs and preferences

Klein Asks: What If Confronting the Climate Crisis Is Our Only Chance to Build a Better World?

A documentary based on Naomi Klein’s 2014 book, This Changes Everything, a scathing indictment of capitalism as the driver of our current climate crisis, premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sept. 13.

To Develop Long-Term Sustainability Plans, Look to Oil Companies

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Sustainability conversations are changing. Just look at the National Association for Environmental Management’s (NAEM’s) thorough “Planning for a Sustainable Future” report released this week: EHS and sustainability leaders are quickly solving operational questions of compliance, measurement & metrics, and target-setting. Now, they’re being called to convene organizational leaders in the face of changing climate, consumers, supply chains, and competitors — three forces that challenge the traditional near-term planning processes endemic to businesses. They’re even grappling with reframing corporate business models for people and environmental stewardship.

Want People to Read Your Sustainability Report? Add a Personal Touch

Corporate responsibility report season is upon us, and with that, we are constantly being inundated with important data — reductions in carbon emissions, savings in waste and changes in energy use. This increase in sustainability reporting is a sign that we’re all moving towards a more sustainable future, but how can you make sure that the information you’re reporting on is relatable — that it’s truly resonating? How can you ensure that your customers and consumers feel connected to your sustainability report?

5 User Experience Principles to Help Communicate Complex Ideas

With User Experience (UX), the primary objective is to remove barriers between the user and the outcome we want to create. We start by putting ourselves in the shoes of users and trying as best we can to get inside their heads so that we can approach the experience from their perspective. What kind of experience would they naturally gravitate toward? What might baffle them? What could thrill them? All of this becomes especially important when clients are trying to communicate something particularly detailed, nuanced or complex. In our experience, having a handful of solid principles to guide you can be particularly helpful.

Marketing for Social Change: How to Profitably Use Your Brand Power as a Force for Good

Today the ethical consumer market hovers between 10 and 20 percent. These numbers haven’t moved much since the term was first popularized 25 years ago. Yet market researchers such as Edelman and Ipsos Reid tell us that more than 80 percent of Canadian consumers want companies to champion social causes, lead social change and stand for something. Companies that figure out how to tap into this latent demand for corporate social purpose stand to win big.

Study: Choice Architecture, Not More Info, Key to Healthier Purchasing Habits

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. Recent studies suggest consumers are increasingly motivated to buy sustainable products, especially the rising generation of socially motivated millennials — that’s the headline in the sustainable business community. But we also know that it’s difficult to motivate consumers to act upon their best intentions. They may state their preference to buy organic, ethically produced products in the abstract, but their actual choice may be different at the point of purchase.

Tutu, McKibben, Chomsky Calling for 'Mass Mobilization' to Spur Bold Climate Action at COP21

With just less than 100 days until the UN’s Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris, where leaders from more than 190 countries will gather to discuss a potential new agreement on climate change, another group has emerged, hoping to ensure a firm and actionable strategy is achieved.

FSC Hosting Global Business Event, Launching Consumer Branding

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the standard-setting and certification organization for sustainable forestry, will host its 5th annual premier global business event in Durban, South Africa from September 3rd to 5th. In Good Company 2015 (IGC 2015) will gather leading companies across sectors, brands and international NGOs to explore challenges and opportunities in forest certification.

Ingersoll Rand Debuts on FTSE4Good Index Series

Irish global diversified industrial company Ingersoll Rand has been added to the FTSE4Good Index Series, an equity index series designed to facilitate investment in companies that meet globally recognized corporate responsibility standards.The company, which claims to make “comfortable, sustainable and efficient environments,” was independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the index.Created by the global index company FTSE Group, FTSE4Good companies must meet stringent environmental, social and governance criteria.

Top Challenges, Opportunities and Trends for Socially Minded Brands

Challenges and Opportunities.When it comes to social branding there are two key challenges. First, a company must have a clear definition of its brand and an authentic desire to have a positive impact on the world. For many brands this could be a challenge, as motives and marketing have become so fractured and there also exists a fear of leading an authentic conversation across social media in case it invites too much scrutiny, accountability and, potentially, a PR crisis.

3 Tips for Helping B2Bs Find Their Sex Appeal

B2B companies often see themselves as the dry toast to B2Cs’ Belgian waffles dripping with whipped cream and berries. And when we talk about making sustainability sexy, they may think it doesn’t apply to them. But it does.

'Human Resources,' Season 2 (or How TerraCycle Hopes to Pave the Way for 'Green' on Reality TV)

The television remains one of the most vital tools available to “green” marketers. From product placement to paid commercial spots, getting your product, service or mission featured on TV is an invaluable way to bring your company’s messaging directly into people’s living rooms. Unfortunately that precious ad space isn’t cheap, and for smaller, purpose-driven companies such as TerraCycle, the costs are simply too high. Even so, that hasn’t stopped us from trying to secure our own fair share of the TV spotlight.

Greenpeace Continues Month of Shell Protests with 'Titanic'-Themed Performance

Greenpeace has begun its latest campaign against Shell, with a month of protests over the oil giant’s plans to drill in the Arctic.

NRG's 'Power Behind the Plug' Campaign Challenges Americans to Think About Where Their Energy Comes From

NRG Energy has launched Power Behind the Plug, an evocative 90-second film and campaign that seeks to illustrate how people react when they actually take a moment to think about where their power comes from. The goal of the film and campaign is to encourage every American to actively and consciously think about energy, how electricity is generated and their energy choices. The film, created with partner Droga5, is one of several ways that NRG aims to help educate businesses and consumers in making smarter choices along the path to a clean energy future.

Trending: NGOs Find Creative Ways to Address ‘First World Problems,’ Wasteful Products

Motivating the public to participate in a campaign can be challenging, especially when it involves changing behaviors or contemplating a social ill that’s more pleasant to forget. But lest society collapse from its ignorance, advocates press on with clarion calls for social and environmental action.Two recent advocacy campaigns continue to demonstrate the efficacy of integrating clever, eye-catching displays with light-hearted appeals for change.

Academic Lag, Advertising Jag & the Task of Socialising the Genome

LAG:A period of time: a noticeable delay between action and reaction – Failing to keep up with another or others in movement or developmentJAG: A short period of overindulgence in an activity: a shopping jag: a crying jag. A stab; an intense and concentrated movement or actionI increasingly find myself at a very particular and exciting intersection.I find myself there not by accident but by design: having helped build a methodology that reaps its greatest rewards at the point where applied science and commercial creativity collide.

Funny or Die Helping American Heart Association Poke Fun at Unhealthy School Lunches

A new video on humor website Funny or Die satirizes the unhealthy lunches served in American schools. Produced by the American Heart Association (AHA), the piece features comedian Nick Offerman as a “food expert” leading a farm tour full of greasy fare, including pizza vines and taquito trees.

Consumers Aren’t Reading CSR Reports – Here's What You Can Do About It

Although 82 percent of Americans expect companies to report on the progress of their social and environmental efforts, only 17 percent say they have read a CSR report in the past 12 months, according to the recently released 2015 Cone Communications/Ebiquity Global CSR Study. And who can blame them? Reports tend to be so dull, it’s even a challenge to get them read internally. This illustrates a need for companies to be more creative with the ways they inform and engage consumers and other stakeholders of their progress against goals.

46 Tips for Better Sustainability Storytelling

Everybody loves a list, right? Right.Well, here’s mine – a 46-point manifesto-like checklist for anybody looking to communicate corporate sustainability. It’s not rocket science. But as the following pointers suggest, there’s every opportunity to get it wrong and a plethora of reasons to get it right.1. Make it materialWhen it comes to creating content and communicating your story, the world is your oyster; sustainability is a broad church and there’s almost too much ground to cover. If it’s important to your business and customers, you should be talking about it. If it’s not important, you shouldn’t bother.2. Do it frequently

Report: Fossil Fuel Industry Long Deceiving the Public on Climate Change

The Union of Concerned Scientists released a report this week documenting the deception tactics used by fossil fuel companies in spreading misinformation about climate change. The Climate Deception Dossiers contains 85 internal memos showing a variety of efforts to manufacture uncertainty about climate science.Fossil fuel companies have long been aware of the harmful impacts of their products and have intentionally deceived the public to deny this harm, the report argues. The authors present a small history lesson evidencing the extent of companies’ dishonesty.