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Marketing & Communications

How brands are successfully communicating their sustainability efforts — and how their stakeholders are asserting their own needs and preferences

From the Source: New System Offers Brands Data on Sustainable Cotton-Growing Practices

The US Cotton Trust Protocol provides measured and verified data about US cotton; which allows fashion and textile brands and retailers to track annual progress toward their targets, and help them tell their sustainability stories.

Cartwright to Brands: Look Inward Before Responding to Social Issues

Keith Cartwright, the creative force behind such powerful statement ads as P&G’s “The Look” and “The Choice,” shares his insights and advice to brands and agencies on how to most authentically respond in times of crisis.

Recycled Plastic Certifications Are Stifling Innovation

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. Recycled plastic certification makes sense. Manufacturers need confidence that the raw materials they’re acquiring meet their requirements and are truly recycled. But more certifications likely means higher costs and thus less recycled plastic.

Good Start — But Let’s Move from ‘Brand Say’ to ‘Brand Do’

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Much-needed updates to a growing number of brands in response to the Black Lives Matter movement is a great start. But deep, lasting impact requires two main actions — apologies; and adjusting the social paradigm.

Over 400 Advertisers Show Facebook That They Won’t Tolerate Hate

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. In just over two weeks, the Stop Hate for Profit campaign has rallied the support of over 400 companies — all of which have pulled their advertising dollars from Facebook and Instagram for the month of July.

UNESCO Spotlights What Our ‘Next Normal’ Should Look Like

UNESCO’s new campaign asks us to question our ideas about what is normal, suggesting that we have accepted the unacceptable when it comes to our environment, economies, public health and societies for far too long.

A Brief History of Food Declarations; and the Path to Better Ones

Food is not about boxed brands on a shelf, but about people and the environment — hence, our need for food declarations. We’re working on one that not only certifies the ingredients, but shows consumers the impact they make with the purchase of each product.

Research Shows Business Imperative for Authentic Action to Address Social Injustices

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. The latest Porter Novelli Purpose Tracker reveals a new mandate for US companies to authentically and substantively address racial inequality and myriad social justice issues.

Kolster to Brands: Avoid the ’Hero Trap’ and Close the Intention-Action Gap

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Internationally recognised speaker and author Thomas Kolster, also known as Mr. Goodvertising, takes a hatchet to his earlier beliefs around purpose-driven brands in a new book, The Hero Trap. He says the one question brands need to be asking and acting on to change behaviors at scale and unlock sustainable growth that benefits all is ‘Who can you help people become?’

Trending: Heritage Brands Rush to Distance Themselves from Racially Stereotyped Images

Amidst the social unrest that has flooded the US since the murder of George Floyd, four household-name food brands, whose brand identities have long centered around racial stereotypes, are updating their images and logos to reflect the changing societal consciousness.

How to Communicate with Purpose During a Pandemic

As impact communicators and advisors, it’s our responsibility to remind those we work with and those we meet along the way that businesses that lead with purpose and credible, authentic values are those that will stand the test of time.

Storytelling Has the Power to Eliminate Institutional Racism, Forever

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Corporate America, through storytelling, can eliminate institutional racist policies and laws to create economic opportunities for African Americans; and hence, themselves. I urge every corporation to create storytelling programs to weave your employee/client/supplier base into a seamless diversity quilt.

Is your SDG Response Defensive, Selective or Holistic?

Take a minute to scan your last sustainability report’s CEO statement, and to peel back the glossy SDG infographics. Can you say, hand on heart, that your company’s current SDG response really is creating system-wide value?

Brands Speak Out to Support Black Lives Matter, But Actions Speak Louder

Brands are more willing than ever to take public stands in support of important issues. But while many aren’t much more than social media sound bytes, others go beyond lip service to action.

How to Future-Proof Brands and Create Culture Change in Challenging Times

Day 2 of the SB Leadership Summit saw a host of intimate discussions on the power of teamwork to drive change toward a better future — as seen in the relationships between top brands’ CMOs and CSOs, the many brand partners fueling SB’s Brands for Good initiative, and making “what people need” a core brand focus.

What Role Will Shaming Play in a Post-Pandemic World?

Myriad opportunities exist to create a new “business as usual,” post-pandemic: People won’t need to be shamed into being more thoughtful or responsible if sustainable practices become the default in society and in business.

300+ Business Leaders Tell Congress: We Can Build Back Better

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. Last week’s LEAD on Climate 2020 sent a message to Congress that business leaders have not lost sight of the climate crisis — even as they tackle the COVID-19 crisis. Washington should follow their lead.

Talking to the Other Side: Keys for Setting Up Difficult Conversations

As we collectively grapple with issues that threaten our very existence, our new book reminds us that “othering” people won’t help us move forward. Instead, we need to temper how we engage with others by showing patience, kindness and empathy — regardless of political affiliation or beliefs.

LEAD on Climate 2020 to Be Largest-Ever Virtual Lawmaker Advocacy Day for Climate Action

300+ businesses in the largest-ever call to action from business leaders to the US Congress will call for a build-back-better strategy that centers around a resilient, clean energy economy.

Viral Ad Agency Offering Free Campaign to Small Business Hard-Hit by COVID-19

Harmon Brothers is holding a contest to offer its creative services to small businesses whose products or services are solving real problems for real people, free of charge.