Last Chance Rate for SB'24 San Diego Expires Sept 22nd!

Marketing & Communications

How brands are successfully communicating their sustainability efforts — and how their stakeholders are asserting their own needs and preferences

California Climate-Disclosure Laws Will Put the Spotlight on Governance

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Let’s use the momentum behind the new mandates to rethink the corporate structures that hold back environmental and social progress.

Coachtopia Turns Waste Into ‘Impeccable Taste’ in New Holiday Campaign

The circular brand’s “Wasty Holiday” campaign highlights the fact that up to 43% more waste is created during the holidays than at any other time of the year.

Student Demand for Low-Impact Meals Increases After Climate-Labeled College Menus

Results from first year of Chartwells Higher Education’s exclusive partnership with HowGood show positive correlations between climate labels on menus and sustainable choices.

Sustainability in Advertising: How Marketers Can Waste Less and Grow More

It’s all about increasing the efficiency of your assets — rather than just adding more stuff to a stack to feel like you are keeping pace. When it comes to both effectiveness and sustainability, less is more.

For Companies with Authentic Sustainability Pursuits, the Devil’s in the Details

Several discussions at SB’23 San Diego highlighted the importance of achieving total visibility into company operations, relationships, impacts and messaging — to avoid surprises that could hamstring progress.

Redefining the Consumer Experience with SmartLabels

With engagement levels still low, SmartLabels are something of a sleeping giant. So, where’s the tipping point to awaken their full potential? How do we really drive that desire to engage?

The Secret Sauce of Storytelling: Bringing the Masses Along on the Road to Regeneration

Final-day keynotes at SB’23 San Diego explored various approaches to turning consumers into collaborators in our efforts to create an ethical, equitable, climate-resilient future for all.

When to Speak, When to Listen: A Brand Guide to Navigating a Divided Society

Another strong thread throughout SB’23 San Diego addressed the tightrope that brands must often walk when working to stay true to their values — and not letting ‘purpose fragility’ rule in our politically polarized world.

Hilton, Oatly Advance Case for Carbon Labeling Food

The vocal oatmilk brand is calling for mandatory climate labeling of food in the UK; and the global hotel chain now has carbon-labeled menus at 30 UK properties.

Eating Your Values: Depoliticizing Alternative Proteins for a Diverse Consumer Base

Studies have shown that urban and liberal-leaning US consumers are more likely to try alternative meat compared to rural and more conservative-leaning demographics. So, crafting messages that appeal to both audiences is vital.

Mental Health Is a Universal Human Right: How to Protect That in Our Climate-Changing World

Whilst we celebrate World Mental Health Day, we also need to be realistic about the relationship between our natural environment and mental wellbeing — and find proactive ways to protect both.

4 Ways to Accelerate Your Business Results on Purpose

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. In State of the Whole Brand 2023, some of the world’s most influential marketers share their unique POVs on whole brand-building and purpose. Here are four ways they suggest you level up your own purpose-driven brand.

‘The Climate Crisis Is, in Part, a Communication Crisis:’ Brands Must Walk Their Talk to Galvanize Consumers

A new study by Magna, Teads and Project Drawdown confirms consumers are relying on brands to create a clear, tangible and compelling vision — backed by substantive action — to guide them toward more sustainable lifestyles.

Marketing Resilient Food Production: How Kellogg’s and Oatly Are Leading the Pack

By partnering with Regrow Ag to track and reduce supply chain emissions, Kellogg's and Oatly are driving change and increasing awareness through transparent, data-driven marketing.

‘Zero-Waste Chef’ Campaign Inspires Canadians to Eliminate At-Home Food Waste

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. SkipTheDishes partnered with the Circular Innovation Council and top Canadian chefs to inspire consumers to reimagine their takeout leftovers and reduce food waste.

Microsoft, Crown Estate Engage Budding Environmentalists in New Minecraft Education Worlds

The companies have collaborated on two new worlds aimed at engaging students on issues related to climate change and biodiversity; and to consider careers in areas such as engineering, sustainability and conservation.

Intrepid Travelers Can Now Understand Their Adventures’ Carbon Impacts

Intrepid has launched one of tourism’s most comprehensive carbon-labeling initiatives, alongside new research that shows consumer demand for better transparency and understanding their personal impacts.

‘We Are All Wearing Oil:’ Campaign Calls for Fair Phase-Out of Fossil Fuels from Fashion

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. An impressive panel of activists, climate and human rights leaders launched a campaign at Climate Week NYC calling for prompt, radical, legislative action to break the fashion industry’s intrinsic links to fossil fuels.

Content Creators Hold Back on Promoting Sustainability Amid Greenwashing Fears

Unilever study uncovers barriers influencers face around creating sustainability content. The company is partnering with climate-focused nonprofits and launching a Creator Council to help address these barriers.

We Can Eat Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Applied to food supply chains, ambient IoT allows farmers, distributors, grocers, regulators and consumers to know where food came from, how far it traveled, how it was transported and stored, and what condition it’s in — in real time.